Thursday, February 7, 2013

Happiness, here, now, REALLY!?

Yes, happiness is here, NOW!  All you have to do is open your eyes and CHOOSE to see it!

Too often we surround ourselves with negativity.  Think about it, when you go out with your friends, how often do you talk about what awesome things your friends are doing?  Or do you normally talk about people?  What's wrong with this person, this situation, etc?!  Can you believe what happened to HER!  Negative energy is so bad, we need to push less of that around! 

All you have to do is CHOOSE to look for the positive.  CHOOSE to look at what's going great in your life, versus not.  CHOOSE to be grateful.  Because I promise you, you will be surprised how many awesome things you will see surround you, if you just take the chance to look. 

Smile.  :)