Thursday, September 18, 2014

Adjusting Back Home?

It's been almost a month that I've been home from my travel adventures in Asia. I was only gone two and a half months, but I'm amazed by how much my perspective has shifted, and continues to shift....

At first thought, two and a half months doesn't sound like a lot of time. Especially if you're staying in the same city doing what you do, day in and day out. But, two and a half months of traveling, leaving everything you knew and loved back home, being in multiple foreign countries, being stretched emotionally, physically, and spiritually, is A LOT to take on. From airlines to buses to trains to new curry dishes to new horizons, my world has exploded in color and new perspectives. I can feel the weight of this new vision on my shoulders ready to be digested. I'm processing it slowly, every moment of every day. I've had a few reflections where I find myself challenging some things I thought I knew and wanted. I'm finding some old things I dreamt of unattractive an undesirable and new things coming to the forefront of my interests that weren't there before. I've completely changed the direction of my life from just a few months ago, and I could not be more excited for what this unknown will turn into!

I thought I would be gone two years or more, not two months! It's crazy how life shifts you. But I feel I am right where I need to be. I came home early for a reason. There's a reason why I changed careers. And it's all starting to make more sense. I'm listening to myself and pushing my boundaries. I'm testing my limits, and I'm growing, further, deeper. You have to create space for change and growth, and we all have space for it, only some of us choose to see it and push our limits to receive it.

I'm excited to see how I feel as each week passes. Slowly letting my travel adventures unfold me into my new days. What's even more exciting is I feel even more excitement is on the horizon. Shaking your life up is actually fun. I feel more creative, more ballsy, more FREE. And that is just what I wanted!



1 comment:

  1. Come visit us in Charleston, or wherever we are on the boat!
