Saturday, July 23, 2016

Welcome To New York City...

Where people don't know where the fuck they're going.

Where there are tourists everywhere, in your way. 

Where people walk 3 people wide on sidewalks, holding hands, like this isn't the busiest city in the country. 

Where people don't take off their book bag on the subway, like they're supposed to, so you are cram smashed into book bags and people around you. 

Where people just stop mid stride in the middle of the sidewalk like there is no one behind you. 

Where people wear whatever they want because this city is cool like that. 

Where most restaurants are barely a few tables wide. 

Where you have to have a purpose, or you will get mowed over. 

Where there are way too many unfortunate dogs cramped up in small apartments. 

Where there are amazing sunsets on the daily.

Where every street is dirty but you don't care because you are in the coolest city in the world.

New York city throws everything at you, but that's the best way to realize what you can, will and won't tolerate.  A fast track of testing your patience and devotion.  It's the best city to learn the most about yourself in the shortest amount of time.  It's raw, scary and amazing, all at the same time.  Excitement at its best.  

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