Thursday, August 15, 2013

Life is short

Wow - I just read an article in the newspaper that a local executive died unexpectedly.  When I opened the article and saw the picture I was stunned.  I know this woman, she lives in my building.  Actually, I just saw her a couple days ago in our lobby.  She supposedly died while on a business trip and it appears to be of natural causes.

To see someone so close to the time they pass, especially when you KNOW them - is a very eerie feeling.  Was death really staring me in the face days ago and I didn't know it?  Thousands of thoughts it creates in your mind.... 

Why does it take times of strife, grief and sadness to incorporate change in our lives?  Why do you not know what you have until its gone?  It boggles my mind that so much of life can pass you by before you actually start LIVING. 

Take those chances.  Say I LOVE YOU.  Feed your soul what it's asking for.  Life is too short.  Don't delay.  Start now.  <3

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