Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Set Backs are Temporary!

Why in life is it so much easier to go backwards than forwards?! Why does the familiar, even if painful, feel so comfortable? Why do we feel that the change we need to occur in order to move forward is so much more difficult than the familiar we are use to? How have our psyches accepted such ridiculousness!? We would rather stay in the pain we know than endure the change it takes to propel us into something better.

Physically we can easily put ourselves in different locations, continents even. But emotionally, it takes a conscious effort, daily, weekly, sometimes hourly, to take steps FORWARD. The unknown can be exciting. Doesn't that sound better??

We are so use to wallowing in pain. Do you ever notice the conversations you have with friends? It's so common to talk about what's wrong, what's happening with who, what happened to them, I'm hot, I'm sad, I hate this, I hate that, I'm fat, I hate my hair... When did speaking joyously become such a crime? Why is frolicking in bliss and happiness such taboo?

Its OK to be happy. Its OK to be amazing. The world needs more of that! We all have endless love inside of us not only to light up our own life, but the lives of others. Often we feel like love is a finite resource, that if others have it that means we can't. That is NONSENSE! There is enough love to go around, and then some.

They say when someone shows you who they are, to believe them the first time. If you ever find yourself down, frustrated or mad at yourself, just take a deep breath. It's both a blessing and a curse to feel things so deeply. Ones who have the most love to give are often the ones finding themselves in this situation. We actually care too much, but that's not a bad thing. I often find when I'm most frustrated with myself I find the most power within me. You should not avoid these "negative" feelings inside of you. Acknowledge them and move forward. All I have to do is play a little Drake or 2Pac to get me back in my groove. I QUICKLY realize my awesomeness and almost laugh at the fact I was feeling so down. There are so many energies circulating around us that its inevitable that we will find ourselves lost in the whirlwind of the past or negativity at some point. Just breathe through it, step back and get outside of your own mind. Set backs are only temporary, and usually provide you with more power than you realize to propel you to an even more awesome day, and future.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Exactly what I needed to hear at this exact moment! Love and miss you! Thanks I needed this.
