Thursday, March 12, 2015

Bad Dates

I love confidence, but there's a fine line between being confident and being arrogant and obviously trying to make up for something. Too much confidence is unattractive, in my opinion. Too many of those one-liners, especially, make me want to vomit.

"By the way I think you have prolific beauty."

This guy's game almost had me. In our first phone conversation he asked me if anyone had told me I was beautiful today? I looked around the room shocked because I really couldn't believe what I was hearing, WOW! I chuckled and said "NO," and he said "Well let me be the first one to tell you...."

How sweet was that! Another day he sent me a text saying "Enjoy your message." I had actually missed his phone call and he left me a voicemail telling me I was beautiful. Awwww how sweet.

Now here's where I have an issue when first meeting someone. I don't want to go from zero to 100 after we exchange a few texts and talk on the phone one time. I get it you can be into someone, but starting to text them all day every day after your first phone call is a little much. I don't want to feel obligated to text and respond to you ASAP every single day after first speaking with you. SORRY BOO.  Can we please space this out some!

So this guy is texting me every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Geez man. One day I didn't respond as quickly as he would have liked, so in a matter of hours he responds with: "Or not, stay wild traveler." 

Jesus Christ. Stage 5 Clinger Alert!!

Ok maybe I'm being too judgemental, maybe he was genuinely interested in this woman of prolific beauty he had just chatted with. At this point I was still OK with taking him up on the offer of a lunch date. Cautiously.

So we meet for lunch. I had not planned on drinking, but once we realized we both had a love for whisky, his pushing for drinks led to one, then two, and three rounds. I mean we both had no where to be, so sure! We actually talked about a lot of different things. But there just comes a point where you just know you aren't jiving with the person. I realized this earlier than I thought with this one. The sleazy one liners, hand rubbing, and slanted eye looks like he was filming a sexy cowboy video shoot while we were eating were just too much. BARF NOW. UGH. Whatever, I held it together and grubbed down on extra chips to soak up all the Jack. Lunch came to an end and we politely departed in our own directions.

Now I'm not trying to bash the guy, because some of this game tactics were on point, but this one thing he did set me over the top.

So not only did he immediately text me right after lunch, but also that night and next day. WOAH MAN. At this point I may be purposely trying to create a little bit of time between our conversations. Well he obviously didn't like that because he came to me with this: "Don't tell me you're a flake out after I spent $89 at Cabo Fish Taco LOL."  Man I had to get real with him. Maybe he should consider coffee for a first date rather than a whisky infused lunch when you are meeting a girl for the first time. Jesus.

That was the nail in the coffin for me, amongst other things. Stage 5 Clingers - I'm not interested.

I think he's gotten the hint now after I haven't responded to numerous texts. Sorry buddy.

I'm still hopeful for love though, and that will never change. <3

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth,

    Yep, this guy seems to be obsessive. And cheap and immature - a mature man would have never mentioned the cost of the date!! With those lines, it seems he was playing a role. Why not be himself? Was he younger? I hope he does not know where you live. Does he even have a job with taking so much time to text?

    Hope your next few dates are better and "real."

    Oh, I do not think you will always be hopeful for love, because YOU. WILL. FIND. IT!
