Friday, January 15, 2016

Good Will Hunting After Thoughts

I just got finished watching Good Will Hunting, and now I'm sitting in my room in complete silence, the TV off. It's a Friday night in New York City and I decided to stay in and relax. I cooked dinner and I knew I wanted to watch a movie of some sort. After multiple scrolls and searches I settled on Good Will Hunting, like it should do.

I hadn't seen this movie in years, I actually can't believe it's almost 20 years old. But wow, what a great movie. Everything about it is great.

I love things that touch me to my core. I love things that make my world stop, that make me think, that make me look around and REALLY look at things, and really see things. How often do you ever really look and see what's around you. To REALLY take the time to stop, think, reflect, feel… It's as if there's a funnel from the universe to my chest flowing like a rapid into my soul. Making me wonder, making me question, making me feel the deepest and most honest thoughts.

Unfortunately these moments aren't frequent. They are few and far between. Whether they are movies, people you meet, connections, something rocks you enough to stop you. That forces you to reflect and look at life. It's such a beautiful experience.

This post is somewhat random, but I had to acknowledge this moment. The moment that you wish you could drag on forever. That you could bottle up and give away to people so they can feel what you're feeling right now.

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