Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Juicy Peaches

I really enjoyed my conversation tonight with one of my best girlfriends.  I've known her for 16 years.  We lived together in college, we would dance together at frat parties and laugh until the weeeee hours of the morning.  Are you asleep we would ask each other laying in our bunk beds.....  Nope.

She just moved to Cincinnati for her husband's promotion.  They have a 1 year old and everything is different and unfamiliar to her in this new town of two months.  Tonight she described how her toddler threw his fork at her because he couldn't puncture his juicy peach sliding around on his plate, and how every home in her new town has history.  She has an 80 year old neighbor that teaches emotional support dance classes where you pour your emotions into modern dance as therapy.  This lady actually has a dance floor in her living room.  I mean, WHAT!  Why are you not there right now!  That may be one of the most amazing things I've ever heard.

We also chatted about my new life in NYC.  My job, my travels, and my dating life which is nothing short of entertaining.  I should write a book she said....  I've heard that before.  But what is the purpose of pouring out your most sensitive, hilarious, frightening, crazy, and emotional experiences onto paper?  It would be a great story they have said....  Is that what they write movies about?

Tonight was a special moment for me.  I was finally able to look at myself and see myself in solidarity.  A reflection from my friend.  One who I love and trust.  A welcoming perspective, clear and beautiful.  Her life beautiful.  My life beautiful.  A moment of seeing time, this intangible in a moment.  Tonight not only did I feel it, I saw it.  A picture of 16 years, vividly clear in one place.  Our growth, collectively and individually.  Of life, how it works, how it happens, and how it unfolds.

Collect moments, not things, they say....

Tonight was special.  Little Jose and his juicy peach.  ;)

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