Monday, December 5, 2016

Arriving at 5:20 p.m.

Tonight was my first yoga class since Thursday, (I'm still on my post Thanksgiving workout kick), and I was so excited to be there!  The first thing I thought when I laid down on my mat was, I've arrived.  That thought surprised me, mainly because it was 5:20 p.m. and I'd been up since 7:00 a.m.  I worked all day, and not until 5:20 p.m. I felt like I had arrived?  Huh?  Was I not awake all day? Maybe it's like I wasn't awake on the inside?

What an unexpected moment of perspective.  To realize how much time I had been awake, but not feeling like I had arrived.  What does that mean?  Maybe it's just as simple as yoga being my happy place and finally, I was there?

Maybe.  But why don't we feel that alive, all the time?  We should!  This is not a dress rehearsal folks, we only get one shot at this life.  Often we get so caught up in our mundane tasks and patterns we forget to actually LIVE.

I just finished "tuesdays with Morrie" which basically outlines that exact thought.  It's about a middle aged man reflecting back on his college years' fond memories of his favorite professor.  He finds out this professor has a terminal illness and decides to visit him, not knowing the rest of his life would be forever changed.  I don't want to ruin the ending, but the principal is that life is short, and we often don't do what we REALLY want until we know we're running out of time.  Until we know our chances are diminishing.  Isn't that so ridiculous.  We're all guilty of it.  It's easy to get caught up in your lucrative career because it provides you a great lifestyle, when really you would love to be an art teacher or back up dancer.  You create a life (and bills) up to your pay check and it's just too hard to turn back from it.  Yeah, that sounds real familiar.

Anyway - I just wanted to share, because hopefully this is inspiring to someone.  I'm definitely inspired.  If we could all live to our full potential, and follow our real passion and not be afraid to let our authentic light shine on this world, it would be a much better place.

Working on brightening my light, grab your sunglasses folks!!  ;)

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