Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Stay Positive! :)

"When I went through my last breakup (before my current, very happy relationship) — I think I was on breakup #72 in my dating lifetime — I was like, game over. I’m not doing this anymore. Because at a certain point, after enough relationships bomb, you just don’t have the will to keep trying anymore. I know I didn’t. I was like Wile E. Coyote when he gets flattened by the Roadrunner, only without the motivation to get back up. It wasn’t that I was so heartbroken over this guy; it was that I was so heartbroken over constantly getting my heart broken. While I was peeling my soul off the asphalt (read: drinking lots of Malbec and doing lots of hot yoga) a friend said something helpful to me: Where there is driftwood."



Saturday, August 24, 2013

SPEAK dangit

How many times in life have you wanted to say something, but didn't?  How many times have you wanted to tell someone you love them, but didn't?  And the days, weeks, months and sometimes even years go by and you wonder, WHAT IF!?  That friggin blows. What does it take for someone to get the courage to really say how they feel?????

In my opinion it takes life experience. Experiences in comfortable and uncomfortable situations. Experiences in pain and joy, so you really understand the spectrum of what is awesome, and what isn't, and how you can articulate your desired direction towards joy versus pain. You have to have gone through some bad and interesting times to finally get the courage to say HEY, I don't want to deal with this anymore. Or, this is what I want, what I like, etc. Or how about, I LOVE YOU and I want to be with YOU. Oh how beautiful those words sound, but oh how difficult they are to say. 

In 2013 this world is an interesting place, and its ever so difficult to REALLY connect with someone. If you find someone that makes you smile, laugh, or even feel uncomfortable...TELL them. There is always a respectful and mature way to SPEAK to and discuss your feelings.  Life is too short to go another day without being true to what makes your heart smile. ❤

And as much as I am speaking to everyone else, don't we often need to take our own advice!?  

Monday, August 19, 2013


Wow - In the year 2013 this article was really written?????

Why don't you have any black friends?  http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/19/opinion/colby-black-friends/index.html?hpt=hp_t4

Where in the heck are they polling this question, po-dunk town in the country or something?  I experienced many emotions when reading this article:  sadness, confusion, blasphemy, and an eagerness to prove this article wrong. 

THANK GOD my family never spoke of race growing up.  Not once did my parents ever defy or mention someone by the color of their skin.  Never hearing about race created an open environment and open mind where labels were never created.  It allowed me to truly have an open mind and experience people for people.  I will forever thank my parents for this.   


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Life is short

Wow - I just read an article in the newspaper that a local executive died unexpectedly.  When I opened the article and saw the picture I was stunned.  I know this woman, she lives in my building.  Actually, I just saw her a couple days ago in our lobby.  She supposedly died while on a business trip and it appears to be of natural causes.

To see someone so close to the time they pass, especially when you KNOW them - is a very eerie feeling.  Was death really staring me in the face days ago and I didn't know it?  Thousands of thoughts it creates in your mind.... 

Why does it take times of strife, grief and sadness to incorporate change in our lives?  Why do you not know what you have until its gone?  It boggles my mind that so much of life can pass you by before you actually start LIVING. 

Take those chances.  Say I LOVE YOU.  Feed your soul what it's asking for.  Life is too short.  Don't delay.  Start now.  <3

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Laugh at the sky

How many times throughout the day do you find yourself wishing you were somewhere else, or wanting this, or wishing you had that?  Probably often, right!?

We are all guilty of this. For some reason it seems more common to loathe and long for what you don't have, versus reflecting on your current situation and appreciating what we do have. 

I see this all the time with friends and family, and even catch myself doing this. We are only deploying negative energies into our subconscious the more and more we long and loathe for things. Our subconscious tracks all thoughts and feelings, positive and negative, and truly creates our emotional DNA of how we are each day.  We should all do ourselves a favor and create a strong foundation of positivity versus negativity. :)

Things could always be better, right?  Things could also be a lot worse. 

I dare you to try to spend a day not wanting for a thing, but truly appreciating what you do have. I bet if we all could make this a habit we would be living in a more upbeat positive environment. Try it.