Monday, June 23, 2014

Thailand Waterfalls - Erawan National Park

This week I had the amazing opportunity to visit Erawan National Park in Thailand.  This park is located in western Thailand about 3 hours from Bangkok.  It's known for it's 7 tiers of waterfalls!

We were staying in Kanchanaburi (awesome party town close to the waterfalls) over the weekend so we took a day trip to check it out!  Buses run from Kanchanaburi to the falls about every hour.  

The above picture was one of the first waterfalls I encountered, and that one did not even count as #1!  The park was so vast and so serene, even with the plentiful amount of tourists the place was still breathtaking.

The park is also known for it's "pedicure" type fish.  You can sit on the edge with your feet in the water and the fish will come up and suck on your feet, toes and ankles!  Their suction is quite strong it feels like a pinch at first!

Look how clear the water is!  Amazing!

We asked a tour guide if we needed sneakers to get to the falls, and she said no that flip flops were fine.  HOWEVER - I will say now I do recommend tennis shoes.  These falls are not at the end of a driveway.  I would say it was about 2 miles from our car to peak #7 - each way.  And not a straight road either - I'm talking trekking!!!  

This was the half mile walk to the start of the trek.  

Do you see the lizard/iguana in the above picture?!  Those are the dense type woods that surround you, or jungle may I say.  

This is my friend Cassie on our hike up some stairs.

Falls #5 was my favorite.  The plentiful smooth covered rocks surrounded by dense green trees and dainty butterflies soothed my soul like no medicine could.

Being on a group tour really limited our time to enjoy more of the falls.  Our it could have been our determination to reach #7 while not realizing I could have been relaxing at my favorite fall #5 the whole time.  Oh well.  I sure hope I can come back and visit soon.  You should definitely add this to your list of places to see!  I really enjoyed it!

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