I think traveling to new cities is like meeting new people.  Sometimes you feel that instant click or "like" and sometimes you don't.  That's how I felt about Berlin.  I didn't feel that click.  :\

I must admit though, I had ZERO pull towards Germany.  No reason why, just didn't have that urge to visit any city in particular.  Throughout my travels though people kept raving about Berlin so I figured I would check it out!

Doing a day tour is the best way to get to know a city, so that's what I did!  We started out in Paris Square.  This is where the US embassy is, and I think others. 

This square is also home to this infamous hotel.  This is the most expensive hotel in Europe, or in Germany, I forget which one.  This is where Barack Obama stays when he comes to town.  This hotel is also famous for something else.  Remember when Michael Jackson dangled his child over the balcony?  Yep, it was here.  Three floors up in the middle...

We started walking through town.  There are a lot of memorial sites, rightfully so...

Look at our cute quirky tour guide!

We are actually standing above Hitler's old bunker, where he committed suicide.  You can see the bunker below.  The smaller white lines were the original bunker.  The thicker walls were added later.  They are bomb proof.  The company that built his shelter is still in business today.

Part of the original Berlin wall...

They have built bricks in the ground where the Berlin wall use to be..

All in all Berlin is a very historic place.  ALOT has gone down in Berlin and Germany and that definitely should be understood and respected. 

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