Saturday, April 25, 2015

One-Way U-Haul to NYC!

So here I go... The day is finally here. My whole life is packed into this 10 foot truck, and I have an 11 hour drive until I start the newest chapter of my life. NYC bay bay! I have my roll dawg kitty with me, JJ. NYC, 11 hours here we come!

JJ was such a trooper!  He only meowed for the first 30 minutes!  LOL.  He calmed down once he got on my lap.  :)

It was actually a very pretty drive! Especially after the three hours of darkness I encountered from 3:30am to 6:30am. The two cold Starbucks drinks couldn't go down fast enough. But oh they went.

Finally, sunrise.

I had no idea how my GPS was taking me, I just knew I had my GPS on and in the charger. Soon enough though I realized I was driving through the Shenandoah Valley! It was so pretty! Large open fields, old farm houses, and light pastel skies hanging over the mountains sure did keep my attention!

Even after 6 hours, I was only halfway there. (sigh)  Thankfully though I'd loaded up on snacks before hand!

But it was the beautiful scenery continuously surprising and impressing me that kept me going! Highway 81 north is long, but at least it's pretty.  I ended up going through Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.  I covered some ground!

I was a little anxious anticipating how I would drive this huge U-Haul through NYC, and my nerves were right. It was just as scary as anything I've experienced in any third world country. People everywhere, cars everywhere, loud noises, horns honking, and here I am in the biggest truck on the block almost.

Then I get caught at an intersection and capture this. How eerie this photo is....   It's so timeless, and is worth a thousand words.

I actually arrived at my destination 5 minutes after my scheduled move in time. How could I have timed an 11 hour journey more perfectly. I'm home. I've arrived.

Now it's time to settle in.  Work starts on Monday.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

I Walked Away From My Career and Got Promoted!

A lot of people's lives are driven by fear, versus desire or chance. It's interesting when you start noticing how many people operate from this crippling intangible.

Last summer I chose to give up my ten-year career in banking to travel the world. My plan was to be gone for two years, or forever, I really had no time frame. Who would have thought I'd come home after only 2 1/2 months. I felt like I needed some sort of structure. Or more of a plan or purpose when setting out on such a grand journey. I also realized I couldn't retire after only working 10 years, who am I kidding!

So nine months after I gave it all up, I'm coming out on top! I've been offered an Assistant Vice President position and substantial salary increase to work for a foreign bank in New York City! If I would have stayed put (and not followed my heart) there is NO way I would have made those accomplishments in nine months. I gave it all up, and got it all back and then some! HELL YEAH!!! GO ME!!!

A lot of people thought I was crazy when I decided to quit my job. I'm sure some doubted me, many questioned me, and it felt like few supported me. But at the end of the day you have to do what YOUR gut tells you, even if (you feel) the odds are stacked against you. It will not be easy, but if you listen and trust your own voice, and your own strength, you will make it!!

If your not willing to risk the unusual you'll have to settle for the ordinary. ;)

If you've been teetering on making a life changing decision - DO IT! The journey will change you, for the better. It will make you stronger. Most fear they may not achieve the outcome they imagine, but what if it ends up better than you imagined!!??

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Bad Dates

Wow, this one is hilarious!

A girl knows almost immediately if there will be another date when meeting a guy for the first time. And as this one approached I knew based on his height and weight (being about the same as mine) this would be our only date. Even after these realizations, I was still respectful and followed through the course of the meal carrying basic conversation in hopes that within an hour I could be on my way. This guy was actually nice, so lunch was good for the most part, or maybe it was the amazing fish tacos.

When we finished we parted ways and I thought all was good (and I was free) until I got the following text message…

I mean, WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?  Ugh. Gross. I just can't believe a man would say such a thing to a woman like this after a first date!!  Even after a third date, that is so ridiculous!  

People are crazy and dating is crazy in 2015!  More wine please!!!!