Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Daddy Advice on Love

Breakups are never easy, and they always hurt.  Especially when the guy you've felt the most connected to tells you you're not the woman he is supposed to marry.  Never in my life have I had a guy tell me that until yesterday.  Yeah.  Ouch. 

My Dad always has the most sincere and caring thoughts for me during times like this.  I had to share his amazing "daddy advice."  Enjoy.  :)

I'm so sorry things didn't work out. I know you invest a lot emotionally.

Sometimes it's only when truth hits us squarely in the face, that it's the only way we'll recognize it. Feel better and stronger that truth is still able to tap you on the shoulder. Vs being on a journey that continues in a circle vs forward.

See things like this as a gift, and not another setback. Harder initially. Easier eventually.

Ultimately I think you were just in different places. You can have a few areas that highlight and spotlight possibilities that you want so much, that you don't give strength to the items that don't fit. Lazily sitting obviously, but in the hidden smoky background.  My ex and I were an excellent example. I wanted so much for the few that shined, that I kept overlooking the majority that didn't.

It's a learning process for both of us, and all of us.

Happiness is out there. You have the tools in your tool belt to make better choices. It takes time to heal the wounds.  And ... make better choices. If things keep turning out the same, then your still going down the wrong path. It's so hard to change our emotional programming.

We grow thru life with a set of tools that aren't capable of producing the results we really need to move and evolve forward. You know this. You've found out about this. You speak this at times. At some point you'll learn to start using the new tools and not the old one's. That's what pain is always trying to tell and teach us.

Step back and heal. This too shall pass.  Try to see the real difference between the old tools and the new ones that you keep shiny but often put away. Eventually you'll understand why they're there, and how to better utilize them.

Love n Miss ya,


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