Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Miraculous Present

"A Return to Love" by Marianne Williamson is still blowing my mind, and I'm only on page 70.  Not only is each paragraph extremely moving, but so is each sentence.  I often find myself pausing to understand, reflect and apply her eloquently structured sentences.

I think forgiveness and living in the present are one of the most difficult tasks in our daily lives.  I wanted to share a few excerpts out of the recent chapter I'm reading pertaining to these items...

Forgiving the past is an important step in allowing ourselves the experience of miracles. The only meaning of anything in or past is that it got us here, and should be honored as such.  All that is real in our past is the love we gave and the love we received.  Everything else is an illusion.  The past is merely a thought we have.  It is literally all in our minds.  The universe provides us with a clean slate in every moment.  Let us give ourselves permission to begin again.

Only the ego speculates about tomorrow.  The ego bases its perception of reality on what has happened in the past, carries those perceptions into the present and thus creates a future like the past.  If we felt that we were lacking in our past, our thoughts about the future are based on those perceptions.  We then enter the present in an effort to compensate for the past.  Since that perception is our core belief, we recreate its conditions in the future.

Past, present and future are not continuous, unless you force continuity upon them.

In the present, we have the opportunity to break the continuity of the past and future by asking the universe to intervene.  This is the miracle.  We want a new life, a new beginning.  We desire a life untainted by any darkness of the past, and being "entitled to miracles" we are entitled to that full release.

A miracle is a release from internal bondage.

All your past except its beauty is gone, and nothing is left but a blessing.

The only point where eternity meets time is in the present.  The present is the only time there is.

Our capacity for brilliance is equal to our capacity to forget the past and forget the future.  That's why little children are brilliant.  They don't remember the past, and they don't relate to the future.

1 comment:

  1. She is the same author that I've given you books of in the past. But you never read them. I guess a time and place for everything. :)
